Along with financial support, Terry Scholars access a support network so they can complete their degrees and make a significant impact as future leaders of the nation. In addition to the support available to all Texas State students, Terry Scholars have special sections of freshman seminar to help make the most of their first year.
Terry Scholarships
The Terry Foundation supports students with exceptional leadership skills, scholastic ability, and the drive to succeed. Terry Scholars are selected from a highly competitive applicant pool of incoming freshmen to receive full-ride scholarships renewable for up to four years from the Terry Foundation.
Benefits for a Terry Scholar

Freshman/Traditional Scholarship Program
- strong academic abilities, as evidenced by grades, class rank and SAT/ACT scores
- a record of leadership in school and in the community
- demonstrated financial need, as evidenced by the completion of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
- must meet U.S. and Texas residency and citizenship requirements sufficient to qualify for in-state tuition and for federal financial aid assistance
- graduated from an accredited Texas high school or homeschool
- granted admission to Texas State University for the summer or fall immediately following the application deadline, as a full-time entering freshman, for the purpose of completing a first baccalaureate degree
- must live on campus in Cibolo Hall during the first year of the scholarship as part of the Terry Scholars Learning Community
The Terry Foundation
The Terry Foundation is one of the largest providers of private scholarships awarded in the state of Texas.